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Vet to vet ultrasonography

Mobile on-demand imaging

Us Together offers general practitioners an affordable alternative to specialist roving ultrasonographers. Increase your clients' retention rates by keeping cases in-house. No longer does a simple case need referral and loss of continuity

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Simple. Fast. Effective.

Ultrasonography can be a straight-forward and rapid tool for rapid identification of abdominal masses, ascites, urinary issues, adrenal enlargement or intestinal foreign bodies to name a few

The colleague with the ultrasound machine

You wouldn't send your spay to a surgical specialist. Us Together offers an affordable alternative to specialist medical referral

Basset Hound Check-Up

Fine needle aspiration

Abnormal liver? Suspicious mass? US-guided cystocentesis? We're here for you. With an FNA we can help make things more than black and white.

Diagnostic Ultrasonography: Services

Examples of when to call us

  • Haematuria especially if persistent

  • Masses detected on physical examination/radiography

  • Questionable foreign body presence

  • Adrenal gland imaging

  • Cardiac mensuration eg for EPIC staging

  • Raised liver enzymes

  • Ascites/haemabdomen

  • Suspected pyometra

  • Suspected pleural fluid

Diagnostic Ultrasonography: About
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